This site presents the artwork of Clark Sergent Lindsey. I have been drawing (and painting a bit) since I was a graduate student in the 1980s. In the past few years, I’ve been alternating between color pencils and graphite/charcoal drawings.
I’d like to thank my wife Kerima for her enthusiastic support of my art endeavours. And in hanging the results all around our home.
I also want to thank artist and friend Dilip Sheth for his encouragement. And for framing many of my pieces.
Prints of many of my artworks can be purchased at my site at Fine Art America.
I also do commissioned work such as portraits inspired from photos. Contact me for details.
In addition to my art, I publish and edit the education and public participation site, which, by the way, includes an extensive section on space inspired art of all styles and media.
And I am the managing editor of, a daily news site on the entrepreneurial space industry and community.
Prior to these internet endeavors, I worked in experimental particle physics as a student and post-doc. I was co-author of an introductory book on the Java programming language and its applications in science and technical fields.